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Sunflower: “Russian Mammoth"

The best part of summer is HERE! My largest sunflowers are blooming, the Russian Mammoths, which I've saved seeds from every year since my first home back in the Rose City, from the first batch along the driveway with my sweet pup, to my then-boyfriend-now-husband seeing them a few years later, to living on our coastal farm and planting them against the side of the garage, to the get-on-a-ladder-for-scale proof of their height at our last place in the Emerald City...and now here in our digs in the Skagit Valley where they are going crazy in our front, back and side gardens, attracting tons of bees of multiple varieties as well as birds...and admiring neighbors :)

In a year where July started off dismal and ended with explosive hope for our country in the form of the unity around VP Kamala Harris' historic presidential run? Seeing these sunflowers reminds me of all that is possible, of never giving up, of remembering where we came from and where we can go next.

“She is a sunflower! She brings hope to people.”~Avijeet Das


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