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Lavender: “Grosso”

French Lavender is my husband's favorite flower (yep, he was an old granny in a past life, folks...) and while I've attempted to photograph the big beauty in our backyard to middling success, last night as we sat out there watching the pollinators abuzz on it, I realized a video would be so much more suitable.

The "Grosso" variety is the one that you see in all the photos of lavender fields that folks ooh and ahh over, and has one of the strongest fragrances out there. While known as French Lavender, it is actually a hybrid cross of the Portuguese and English lavenders, believe it or not. And as many of us know and appreciate, it's one of the best drought tolerant shrubs out there.

“As Rosemary is to the spirit, so Lavender is to the soul.” ~ Anonymous


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