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King Trumpet "Scallops" with Carrot Puree, Leek, and Parsley Vinaigrette

Whew! I was quite intimidated by this recipe and the gorgeous presentation in one of our new-ish favorite cookbooks, Shroom by Becky Selengut, but I'm so glad I took the leap. I remembered that a local co-op carried the King Trumpet, AKA Trumpet Royal, mushroom, and decided to surprise my husband with this as an appetizer of epic effort...

While the directions were a bit convoluted in spots (when to start what, leaving out certain details about leeks, etc), I got the gist of it and it actually wasn't terribly difficult. I substituted some gorgeous purple and yellow carrots for the traditional orange, and halved the entire recipe (Trumpets are $14.99/lb right now, yikes!), then fully veganized it by using Miyoko's unsalted vegan butter, and ohhhh my. So good. Turns out I could eat a pot of pureed carrots with butter and sea salt if allowed...who knew? No wonder they make baby food outta mashed carrots! And the 'trunks' of the mushrooms were VERY good subs for actual scallops (and half the price), which was trippy but awesom.

Anyhow, it was definitely a peek into restaurant-food-at-home, and kinda fun to play with the textures, flavors and colors. Highly recommend the cookbook - we got it at a local cookbook store late last year, have tried several recipes out and EVERY single one has been simply outstanding.


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